17 juillet 2009

Faits insolites

Cette liste est en anglais et je la traduirai dans un avenir rapproché (probablement demain samedi, il va pleuvoir). Après l'avoir épluchée, je me suis donné comme objectif inutile de vérifier ces faits car certains me semblent un peu exagérés. Sinon, une explication logique se cache certainement derrière.

À suivre.


1. Smelling (not eating) green apples and bananas help you to lose weight.

2. A hummingbird weighs less than a penny.

3. Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark.

4. Walt Disney was afraid of mice.

5. The electric chair was invented by a dentist.

6. Leonardo Di Vinci invented the scissors.

7. Flies fly backwards.

8. You cannot hum while holding your nose.

9. Apples are more powerful than caffeine at helping to stay awake.

10. Cat urine glows under a black-light.

11. The state of Florida is bigger than England.

12. The poison-arrow frog contains enough poison to kill 2,200 people.

13. Most lipstick contains fish scales.

14. Bulls are color-blind and in fact CANNOT see red, therefore they would charge at any cape no matter what color.

15. Months that begin on Sunday always have a Friday the 13th.

16. Mr. Rogers was an ordained minister.

17. Non-dairy creamer is flammable.

18. Snails can sleep for three years without eating.

19. Pearls melt in vinegar.

20. Hummingbirds can't walk.

21. It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

22. Horses can't vomit.

23. A shrimps heart is in it's head.

24. Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are 50 years old or older.

25. All polar bears are left-handed.

26. A lion's roar can be heard up to five miles away.

27. Your heart beats over 100,000 times per day.

28. If Barbie was life-size, her body weight and mass would equal that of an anorexic person.

29. According to Genesis 1:20-22, the chicken came before the egg.

30. George Washington grew hemp in his garden.

31. During the "chariot scene" in the movie "Ben Hur", a red car can be seen off in the distance.

32. Earth is the only planet NOT named after God.

33. Only female mosquito's bite.

34. A polar bears fur is not white, it is clear.

35. Babies are not born with knee caps. They develop between the ages of two and six.

36. A dragon flys' average life span is 24 years old.

37. The screwdriver was invented before the screw.

44. Crickets hear through their knees.

45. Butterflies taste with their feet.

46. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper.

47. The original Declaration of Independence was actually lost.

48. An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain.

49. Crushed up cockroaches help as a pain reliever when rubbed on minor scrapes and burns.

50. Coffee is great for asthma.

51. Sucking the blood from a freshly amputated cat leg eases pain.

52. Adding a few lumps of cat excrement into your wine to sure an upset stomach.

53. Our calendar repeats itself every 400 years.

54. An ant as large as a human can carry a pick-up truck up a flight of stairs without getting tired.

55. The unlucky number "13" appears eight times on the American one dollar bill.
* 13 steps on the pyramid
* 13 letters in the Latin words above the pyramid
* 13 letters in "E Pluribus Unum", our nation's motto
* 13 stars above the eagle's head
* 13 leaves on the olive branch
* 13 fruits
* 13 arrows in the eagle's talon
* 13 bars on the eagle's shield

This last one I thought was absolutely strange and kinda neat.

56. On 15 April 1912 the SS Titanic sunk on her maiden voyage and over 1,500 people died. Fourteen years earlier, a novel was published by Morgan Robertson which seemed to foretell the disaster. The book described a ship the same size as the Titanic which crashes into an iceberg on its maiden voyage on a misty April night. The name of Robertson's fictional ship was the Titan.

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